Sunday, April 21, 2013

The greenhouse is full of tomatoes!

We took almost all of our tomatoes out to the greenhouse today after church.  Some of them are loving it and some others are saying, "It's really warm in here -- take me back inside your house!" and others still are trying to decide whether they like it or not.  Either way, I just finished watering them and we have both vents on top of the greenhouse open and the front door open too or else they would probably burn up -- what a beautiful spring day!

Thought you might enjoy looking at the fruits of your labor -- you did a great job transplanting them and they are growing big and strong.  Only a few more weeks (ok, well 3-4) and we will be planting them out in the garden.  I CAN'T WAIT -- I have about 50 flats of tomatoes, peppers, marigolds, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage growing inside this ole house of mine.  It looks like a jungle when they are all inside.  I am hoping that the weather will be nice enough to let me start leaving some of them in the greenhouse overnight too -- we'll see how that works out.  I wonder if I'll be able to sleep the first night that I leave them out there (maybe tonight).

Anyway, here are some pictures to show you how big they have grown...good job, everyone!  I still have one flat of sweet peppers to transplant.  If anyone is loving doing the transplanting, I would be more than happy to have you come on over and transplant some of them!

Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage being hardened off so they can be transplanted into the garden soon!

Marigolds -- planted a long time ago and still pretty small

Tomatoes (and lots of them)


  1. This is so awesome! The greenhouse looks so good!

  2. My friend in Holland facebooked me this morning after looking at these pictures and said it looked wonderful and "Dutch". You have no idea how happy that made me. I have such an affinity for the Netherlands and the Dutch people.
