Thursday, April 25, 2013

Just documenting it all...

So, just went and closed up the greenhouse to lock in the warmth for the night.  Tonight will be the first night that I am leaving the tomatoes (and one flat of peppers) in the greenhouse overnight.  PRAY HARD!  I called a nursery and they told me they close up their greenhouses at 5 p.m. at night to "lock in" some of the warmth.  That is what I was thinking, so maybe I am starting to catch on to these procedures.  They said we should be fine with them in there tonight.  If not, then "Houston, we have a problem!" I'll check them before going to bed tonight and first thing in the morning, but I really think they need to stay out there tonight.  

I have been hardening off the cold weather crops (broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage) and today they have been out there half of the day... so tomorrow I will keep them out even longer and by Saturday, we should be ready to plant them in the main garden -- YEH!!!!  They are beautiful! In the picture below, it was taken about a week ago and the cabbage and others have grown SO MUCH ... it is exciting to me!

I'll post tomorrow morning and let you know how their first night in the greenhouse went.


  1. Thanks for all your hard work, and worrying!!!

  2. Thanks, Angela.... this has truly been a learning process. I'll post tomorrow about what happened with the tomatoes in the greenhouse the first night.
