Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Update on what we did when

If you have been following the blog, you know that we are trying very hard to keep track of what we do and when.  Each year gets a bit better on putting it all on the blog.  Here is the latest update of what we have been up to; of course, we are mainly just harvesting now the fruits of YOUR labors!  THANKS EVERYONE!

July 26th we started bulk picking green beans. Everyone has been great to come help pick.
First harvest of sweet corn Aug. 9th
First harvest of cantaloupes Aug. 19th (so far we have picked 84 of them)
First bulk crop of tomatoes Aug. 23rd. 
First Spaghetti Squash August 16th

Our baskets have been overflowing this year!!  We have harvested eggplant, onions, potatoes, green beans, tomatoes (cherry and beefsteak), cucumbers, all kinds of green and hot peppers, carrots, peas, cabbage, melons, zucchini, spaghetti squash, sweet corn (with popcorn coming at the end of the season), kale, swiss chard.... I wonder what I have missed!

Anyway, it has already been a bounteous year!  Thank you to ALL of you for all your hard work!

Holy Smokes! A plethora of harvest!

We are so blessed -- we have had abundant harvests!  Here are some more pictures from last Saturday's harvesting...