Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Black Bean and White Corn Salsa

The following came from Randy Lee, one of our community gardeners:

Hey All,

Our favorite Salsa (call us weird, unauthentic, whatever) is the Walmart Great Value brand Black Bean and White Corn Salsa.  I found a recipe online that looks like it would be similar (click on the words "recipe online" earlier in this sentence for the link; it's also included as an attachment, too).  We're going to try it when we get our turn at bulk tomatoes.

The  only thing I wasn't familiar with was the "Epazote seasoning." I looked it up, and it is an herb that accompanies the black beans to supposedly relieve them--or us--of (ahem...) gassiness.

It seems there is a bit controversy about it (see links below).  But those in the Mexican / Hispanic culture swear by it.  You can decide for yourselves.  Here are a few articles about it.

There are other recipes out there without epazote.  Just Google "Black bean and corn salsa recipes."  Have fun!

Randy & Judy Lee

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