Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Our Old World Garden Pizza Sauce Recipe


Our Old World Garden Pizza Sauce

Here is one of our favorites  -  our own Old World Pizza Sauce recipe.  It’s great on home-made pizza, pizza on the grill, or to use a  bread stick dip.   You can make it fresh – or freeze to use throughout the year. Either way – it’s a great way to use all those vegetables that will be ripening soon in the garden!  You can also check out one of our earlier posts on a recipe for a great pizza dough to make it on the grill.
Mary and Jim
1/2 bushel tomatoes (wash, core, dice)
3 clove of garlic
4 hot peppers
2 stalks of celery
1 onion
Chop in blender until mixed well
Add 1 pint of olive oil, pour into stockpot, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.
1 1/2 cups of sugar
3 TBSP salt
4 12 oz. tomato paste
oregano/basil to taste

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