Well, May has been a busy month for community garden members, but especially for Kim and Cody Heward, who direct this beautiful garden AND do a lot of "behind-the-scenes" work when the rest of us are enjoying our families. A GREAT BIG thank you to all the garden members who have diligently come on their assigned dates and have done such a FANTASTIC job with whatever we ask them.
Here are our first pictures of each garden plot. You won't see a lot right now, but as you watch this blog through the summer and into the first part of fall, you will see TREMENDOUS growth and hopefully a WONDERFUL harvest!
I am going to put up the pictures tonight, but will later next week update the "when we planted what" segment of this blog. I wanted to put these up now while I remember what they are and when they were taken.
First up -- Brother Pace's Garden:
We have planted POPCORN in this garden... like I said, you won't really be able to see much yet, but they have started to come up through the ground.
The Pace Garden -- being watered |
See, I told you it was coming up!!!!! |
Popcorn growing in the Pace Garden
Our second stop is the Pack/Wood Garden. We have planted tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, onions, watermelon, cantalope, etc. here:
Next stop is the MaryLee and Alan Scott Garden.
It will have all of our regular eating corn on one side
and the tomatoes we were given from Provo High and many other yummy things on the other side:
Final Stop on our Community Garden Tour is the Wheatley Garden. This garden plot has spring veggies (peas, cabbage, broccoli, kale, as well as zinnias cuz we love them, raspberry bushes, lettuce, garlic, radishes, carrots, etc.):
Stay tuned for more pictures as we continue to grow and grow and grow.... all of the above pictures were taken on May 31, 2014. Next week: a log of when we planted what and where!
Again, thanks to all of the hard working garden members! We can't do this without all of you!